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Clan Schaw
Basic Info.
Crest: A demi savage, Proper
Motto: I Mean Well
Origin of Name: Taken from Shiach, a son of MacDuff Earl of Fife
Clan Chief: None, armigerous clan
Clan History
Schaw History
Clan Schaw is a Lowland clan, and is of territorial origin. It is not connected at all to the Highland Clan Shaw.
The lands of Aldhus were given to the monks of Paisley, and this was witnessed by John de Schau in 1284, and in the same year he also witnessed Godfidus de Ros handing over the village of Stewardton, also to the monks of Paisley.
A confirmation charter by James the Seneschal of Scotland to the church of Paisley was witnessed, in 1294, by William de Schaw.
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Clan Lands
Schaw Lands

Schaw Map
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