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Clan Paisley

Basic Info.

Paisley Clan Crest

Paisley Clan Crest


Crest: A dexter arm from the shoulder in armour grasping a dagger, all Proper
Motto: Be Sure
Clan Chief: None, armigerous clan


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Paisley Tartan

Paisley District

Paisley District

Paisley Clan tartan

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Clan History



Paisley History

Paisley is a name of local origin, coming from the town of the same name in Renfrewshire.

William Passeleue, or Passelaw, witnessed charters, sometime between 1179 and 1190, by William the Lion, and circa 1202, as William Passelewe, he was witness to a charter by Alan filius Walteri.

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Clan Lands

Paisley Lands


Paisley Map

View Clan Mapwe have created a google map for this Clan showing Clan Lands and Places.
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Visit the Paisley Clan Shop where we sell the largest amount of Clan Paisley products available, in the Paisley tartan and the Paisley Clan Crest >>