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Clan Moncrieffe
Basic Info.
Gaelic Name: Monadh Craoibhe
Motto: Sur Esperance (Upon hope)
Badge: Oak
Lands: Perthshire
Origin of Name: Gaelic, Monadh Craoibhe (The Hill of the Sacred Bough)
Clan Chief: The Hon. Peregrine Moncrieffe of that Ilk
Clan History
Moncrieffe History
Of great antiquity, and possibly descending through a female stem from the Celtic royal dynasty, the name Moncreiffe is derived from the feudal barony of Moncreiffe in Perthshire.
The lands take their name from the gaelic ‘Monadh Croibhe’ meaning ‘hill of the sacred bough’.
Clan Lands
Moncrieffe Lands
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