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Clan MacPherson
Basic Info.
Gaelic Name: Mac a’ Phearsoin
Motto: Touch not the cat but a glove
Badge: White heather
Lands: Badenoch
Origin of Name: Gaelic, Mac a’ Phearsoin (Son of the Parson)
Pipe Music: MacPherson’s March
Clan Chief: The Hon. Sir William MacPherson
Clan History
MacPherson History
Of ecclesiastic origin, this is a name derived from the gaelic Macaphersein, meaning “Son of the Parson”. The clan itself is reputed to have been founded by Murdo Cattenach, a priest of Kingussie in Badenoch.
The MacPhersons formed part of the great Clan Chattan, and frequently disputed the leadership of this federation with the MacKintosh family.
Clan Lands
MacPherson Lands
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