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Clan MacLea
Basic Info.

Clan Crest
Motto: Ni Mi e Ma’s Urrain Dhomh (I shall do it if I can)
Badge: The Flower of the Grass of Parnassus
Tartan: Livingstone Sett, Livingstone Dress, MacLeay
Clan Chief: Niall Livingstone of Bachuil
Clan History
MacLea History
The Clan MacLea, also known as the Highland Livingstones originate in Cowall and Lorn in Argyll. There are two schools of thought concerning the derivation of the name MacLea.
Niall Campbell, 10th Duke of Argyll wrote that MacLea derived from Dunshleibe son of Aedh Alain, giving rise to the MacDunsleves.
Another theory is that it comes from the name Mac Duinnshleibhe, which is closely connected with the Royal Family of Ulster.
Clan Lands
MacLea Lands

MacLea Map
we have created a google map for this Clan showing Clan Lands and Places.
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Clan MacLea Posts
Clan MacLea Gallery