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Clan Mackintosh
Basic Info.
Gaelic Name: Mac an Tòisich
Motto: Touch not the cat bot a glove
Badge: Red whortleberry
Lands: Inverness-shire
Origin of Name: Gaelic, ‘Son of the thane’
Clan Chief: John Lachlan Mackintosh of Mackintosh
Clan History
Mackintosh History
The founder of the Mackintosh clan is reputed to have been Shaw MacDuff, second son of the Earl of Fife, and a member of the royal house of Dalriada.
He travelled north with Malcolm IV in the twelfth century to suppress rebellion in Morayshire and was granted lands in the Findhorn valley. These lands became the heartland of the clan and the burial place of the clan chiefs.
Clan Lands
Mackintosh Lands
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