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Clan MacIntyre
Basic Info.
Gaelic Name: Mac-an-t-Saoir
Motto: Per Ardua (Through difficulties)
Badge: White heather
Lands: Kintyre, Degnish, Glen Noe, and Badenoch
Origin of Name: Gaelic, ‘Son of the carpenter’
Pipe Music: Gabhaidh sinn an Rathad Mortd
Clan Chief: James MacIntyre of Glenoe
Clan History
MacIntyre History
The name is derived from the Gaelic ‘Mac-an-T’saoir’ meaning ‘son of a carpenter’ which accounts for its occurrence throughout the Highlands.
By the end of the 13th century the MacIntyres of Glen Noe were foresters to the Lord of Lorn. Some became bards, Duncan of Bàn, and families of MacIntyre became hereditary pipers.
Clan Lands
MacIntyre Lands
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