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Clan MacColl
Basic Info.
Crest: Between the horns of a crescent, an étoile
Motto: Justi Ut Sidera Fulgent (The righteous shine as stars)
Historic Lands: Loch Fyne, Argyll
Badge: Sprig of Heather
Clan Chief: None, armigerous clan
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Clan History
MacColl History
Clan MacColl have been historically associated with the lands around Loch Fyne, a sea loch in Argyll. It has been suggested that the MacColls were once a small branch clan of the MacDonalds. This is based on a number of lines of evidence, including the fact that they both have a sprig of common heather as their clan badge. The clan had a feud with Clan MacPherson, which ended in disaster for the MacColls in 1602 battle where they lost a large number of men.
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