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Clan Halkett
Basic Info.
Crest: A falcon’s head erased Proper
Motto: Fides Sufficit (Faith is sufficient)
Seat: Pitfirran, Fife
Clan Chief: None, armigerous clan
Halkett Tartan
Fife District tartan (There is no registered tartan for this clan)
>>view more Clan Halkett Tartans
Clan History
Halkett History
It is believed that the name Halkett derived from the lands of Halkhead in Renfrewshire, however the Ross’ have long been in record of owning the property.
Sometimes -et is used as a suffix meaning -wood, meaning that the name could infact originate from a place called Hawkwood near Stathaven in Lanarkshire.
Clan Lands
Halkett Lands

Halkett Map
we have created a google map for this Clan showing Clan Lands and Places.
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Clan Halkett Posts
Clan Halkett Gallery