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Clan Buchan
Basic Info.
Clan Buchan
Crest: A sun shining upon a sunflower full blown, Proper
Motto: Non Inferiora Secutus (Not having followed mean pursuits)
Badge: Sunflower
Origin of Tartan: Family tartan derived from Cumming, relatives of Buchan
Clan Chief: Captain David Buchan of Auchmacoy
Clan History
Buchan History
The Buchan region, in the northeastern part of Aberdeenshire, verging on Banffshire, is the origin of the name of this clan. The Earldom of Buchan passed through the hands of the Comyns, though it fell from their grasp following their defeat at the hands of Robert the Bruce. Subsequently, the earldom was conferred upon Alexander Stewart, natural son of Robert II, and the notorious ‘Wolf of Badenoch’.
Clan Lands
Buchan Lands
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