1306 – Murder Of The ‘Red Comyn’

The killing of Comyn in the Greyfriars church in Dumfries, as seen by Felix Philippoteaux, a 19th-century illustrator.

The killing of Comyn in the Greyfriars church in Dumfries, by Felix Philippoteaux, a 19th-century illustrator.

In 1304, John Comyn II, known as the Red Comyn after his grandfather, moved his allegiance over to England’s Edward I and sat on his ‘Scottish Council’.
When Robert the Bruce set his plans to resume the War of Independence in 1306, he and Comyn met together in southerly Dumfries at the isolated Franciscan priory Church of the Minorite Friars. Either because he would not back Robert, or because he threatened to expose his intentions, Bruce stabbed Comyn to death at the altar rails.

As well as the military benefits, Comyn’s death that 10th of February also favoured Bruce by removing another competitor to the throne of Scotland.